Family Treasures

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Disney Trip

I never write anything here anymore. We just got back this past weekend from Disney and had a great time. We all had a blast ... rode a bunch of great rides, saw all kinds of cool characters and ate some great food.

Sabrina is the funnest person EVER to go to an amusement park with. Except for her freakishness about "love bugs" she hit every ride with great enthusiasm ... even the scary ones and just had a blast. She giggled and laughed through all the rollercoasters and kept her hands in the air. It was a blast.

Luke was a trooper. He has some sensory issues that we have known about so going to half the rides in Disney is like putting him thought the fires of hell but he grew up so much on this trip. He did every ride even if he was scared and by the end he was really enjoying everything.

Luke's frequent use of the word "sbunskis" in reference to his butt had us cracking up ... and his love of the water slides was fun to watch. Sabrina braved the "Summit Plummet" and is basically fearless when it comes to that stuff. Everyone in line was so impressed with her because she was barely tall enough and could not wait to go down.

Good times, good times.