Family Treasures

Monday, October 08, 2007

Our Lovely Sabrina

Some days it is hard to express how great it is to be a parent. Some days, it is easy to express the great frustration that comes along with being a parent.

Since we moved, it has been a bit hard on Sabrina. She left the house she loves and the only house she has known. She has been a trooper and she is always positive.

For some reason, Luke was overly mean to Sabrina today. He was heckling her in a mean way and he got in trouble. I saw him toss a volleyball on purpose to hit Sabrina in the back and it got him into big trouble.

When it was time for bed, Sabrina went straight in and when I got there to kiss her goodnight, I noticed she was crying. Sabrina is such a sensitive child and I figured the jabs from Luke really got to her. She admitted they did. She told me "Luke made me feel so much anger inside and I wanted to be mean back but I didn't". It was such a heart-felt description of her pain. Tears were streaming down her face. I teared up just listening to her and feeling her pain but I was also so proud at the same time. So proud that she chose to not be mean towards Luke even though she wanted to. I told her we are so proud of her ... and we told her that it is not OK for Luke to be mean towards her.