Family Treasures

Friday, July 18, 2008

Luke's Talent Show

Another example of Luke being the anti-me. He likes to perform. So he has these talent shows each week at one of his summer camps. We didn't even know about them until this week. The first week, he just got up there and did "karate moves". He has never taken karate. Never seen a martial arts film other than maybe "Kung-fu Panda" but decides to get up there and show off.

Then, this week, he decides for talent show that he wants to do skateboarding. Which he cannot do. He has a skateboard he maybe used once but he is set on doing that at the talent show. Should be fun.

Can I be 9?

Luke makes me laugh. He has driven us crazy many times .... but he is the anti-me. He is completely different and I wouldn't change anything about him.

He has been asking me for a couple weeks if he "can be 9". Of course, he is 5, and I tell him he is 5 and he has to wait. Well, in Luke-like fashion ... he keeps asking. So after a few days, I just say "sure, Luke, you can be 9". Then he throws his arms in the air with joy like he just pitched the final strike of the World Series and runs up to Sabrina and says "Yeeeeeeeesssss! Sabrina, I am older than you! I am older than you!".