Family Treasures

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tres Leches

So we go to our anniversary dinner last night at Fonda San Miguel here in Austin. We had never been there and we had a great time. The atmosphere was great, we got a table right away and our waiter was cool. Since the restaurant is labeled as "interior Mexican food" we asked our server (who was Asian) what the difference between "interior Mexican" and the usual Tex-Mex. I mean, we really didn't know and when I have asked people in the past I never got a great answer. We figured the server must know the answer. Well, he looked a little puzzled and then rambled an answer that made us laugh the entire night and made the experience one we will never forget. His answer started with "Well, you know at Tex-Mex they like the really runny, watery queso? We use real cheese". Holy crap, that is the greatest answer to a question I have ever heard. So we get to sit in a nicer restaurant with expensive wines and menus because they make queso with real cheese here? We laughed about that all night and made jokes off it all the way home. To his credit, the waiter was cool and he also said some stuff like "interior" is healthier ... but he really seemed to struggle with the answer. I think he needs to work on it.

The dinner and drinks were great, but the tres leches cake was to die for (another difference in interior Mexican and TexMex is the cake is dos-leches at TexMex restaurants ... LOL). Outstanding. I am so glad we stayed for desert.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Today my wife and I celebrate 8 years of marriage. We are so fortunate. We enjoy each other so much and I think it shows in our family and our home. We have grown so close over the years. We got married fairly quickly. We were engaged after 6 months and married a year and 2 months after we started dating. Pretty quick. The same time we got married we got a new home, moved from California to Texas and switched careers. Big-time stress. We still had a lot of growing to do but we were always happy. Every year has been more fulfilling than the last and I feel like it will continue to get better. We have grown so close as friends and are completely dedicated to each other and our kids.

I love you hunny.

Monday, June 26, 2006


I finally got around to creating this blog. The idea is to have a place to jot down memories and keep a journal of thoughts about my family.

I am truly blessed. I have a gorgeous wife who loves me and I love her deeply. We have two wonderful kids who are a joy to be with. I have a good job that pays well and is not taxing on my time at all so I can be with my family as much as I want. We live in a great house with a great dog and another not-so-great dog. We have our health and I cannot be more thankful for that. The idea for this blog came out of the idea that I need to write these memories down to share them with my family in the future.