Family Treasures

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Click Here to Print

In the John Cusak movie Better Off Dead, there is a Japanese charater who always pulls up in a car rigged with a megaphone on the hood and challenges Cusak to a drag race. The funny thing is that the Japanese guy talks exactly like Howard Cossell and Cusak comments that he learned all of his English through watching The Wide World of Sports.

Our son is a late speaker. I am not sure he could say an intelligible word until he was after two. School and speech therapy have helped, but he took to the computer at an early age and plays games which have helped his speech but he talks like a computer game host.

Perfect example is this morning when we gave him a glass of orange juice and he said something like "That's not the right one. Please try again." ... that translates to "I really wanted water". Well, last night we watched the 4th of July fireworks and had a blast. The kids were having so much fun ... especially at the "finale". When it was all said and done the kids had a hard time catching their breath from the excitement and my son said it was so beautiful and then "Click Here to Print" while raising his right hand in the air. Heeee-larious.


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