Family Treasures

Monday, September 25, 2006

If I were an animal ...

So my wife made a comment at dinner that she thought killer whales were cool and she would be a killer whale if she could be an animal. So we asked my daughter what animal she would like to be. Her response ...

" I would like to be a peacock because peacocks are beautiful and I like being beautiful".

... that was a nice answer and well thought out. We smiled. Then she chimed in ...

"but I don't want to be an animal because I like who I am and I like living here"

... that made us smile even more and really proud. Seemed like a reeally mature answer for a five-year-old. then she chimed in one last time ...

"maybe we could all be peacocks and run around the house and poop everywhere".


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Band Aids

My 4 year old son has always called band-aids "Alisons". I am usually pretty good about figuring out the origin of my kids' sayings but I am completely clueless about this one (This one and Luke's occasional singing of "Mee Joe Flee" ... NO IDEA where that comes from). Anyway, Luke says he has an owie on his "pee-pee" and wanted a band-aid. So my wife gives him a box of band aids and he goes off only to some back with threee strategically placed band-aids. A couple around his you-know-what and one completely wrapped around the shaft. It was histerical (and not easy to remove). :-)